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Recent Posts
aku gak bisa!!
I love Keroppi so much
Tobacco’s Day
My opinion about Friendship
my first blog

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May 2009
June 2009
December 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 9:46 AM
`aku gak bisa!!

skrg semua nya sudah berubah
gak sama kayak dulu lagi
aku gak akan pernah mau balik lagi ke masa itu
masa di mana harus ada aku dan kamu
aku gak bisa!!!
perlu aku menjerit ???biar kau mendengar jelaas ucapanku.
maafkan aku,,temand
saat ini,, yang aku butuhkan hnya kesendirian
aku suka aku yang sekarang
aku hnya ingin bersama diriku untuk waktu yg lama
sampai akhirnya
aku siap mmbuka diriku untuk bersamamu lagi
bahkan bersama yng laiin
aku tak tau!

Sunday, June 7, 2009 @ 6:39 PM

Dear Blog,,
today,, i want share you, about my new hobby.
my new hobby is reading a translation novel, i mean English novel was translated into Indonesia.
3 months ago, i read an article about BEST SELLER BOOKS OF THE MONTH. I really interested with book entitled "The book of lost things"(John Connolly). i bought it, and i read it in my spare time. WOW!!! that's a wonderful book,, in there we can know about some Tale that we have ever read when we were kid. but, it so different, He told us about that Tale in contrary. such as,, Snow White, as we know, is a nice girl, beauty and love her little friends(dwarf) but in that book snow white is bad girl, ugly, and greedy. that's make me anxious and interested me to read them till the end.
it's not just about snow white, there so many Tale like sleeping beauty and Hansel and Gretel. those are wrote in contrary. actually is not about tale but also story about Kid that lost in different world(Tale world) and he had to find a way to back to his house. ^^.
and 2 months ago, i bought a new book, entitled "INKHEART" (Cornelia Funke). unfortunately, i haven't finish it,yet. but i know the summary,, that book is about Father and his daughter who can make the story to be real. i think, that book will make me anxious, too.
those book are begining my new hobby. today, i love read so much. and you know,, i got much advantages, like, i got new knowledge, new good sentencess, new words and new point of view about somethings. ^^

@ 6:13 PM
`I love Keroppi so much

KEROKEROKEROPPI is my favourite cartoon icon. because he is really cute and like a donut, i think. so funny and yummy.......^^. in this time,, i would tell you about HIM...... Wish you like it^^
Year Created: 1987

Real Name: Hasu No Ue Keroppi (Keroppi on the Lily Pad)

Birthday: July 10

Keroppi is the most popular frog of Donut Pond, the largest and bluest pond. He’s fun-loving very adventurous, being fearless and very active. His talents are singing and swimming. Nothing discourages for long - this guy’s an optimist and brings sunshine to the lives of his family and friends. He is part of the mischievous Ganta-Kyorosuke-Keroppi trio. Keroppi and his friends share his love for playing games, especially baseball and boomerangs.

He lives with his family in KeroKero house, found next to the Donut Pond. He is part of a triplet, her siblings being Pikki and Koroppi. They are masters of illusion: they can jump up and down so fast, they look like ten frogs instead of three!

Donut Pond

Keroppi’s Family and Friends

Keroppi's Family

Keroppi’s Family

Pikki: Pikki is Keroppi’s sister, the only girl of the Hasu No Ue triplet. If Keroppi’s the most popular frog in Donut Pond, she’s definitely the head-turner, being really cute. Her hobbies and tree-climbing (she and Keroleen can make a mean batch of pancakes!) Since she’s the favorite babysitter of the residents of Donut Pond, she knows all the kids there (being really great with names is a lot of help!)

Koroppi: While he and Keroppi are often mistaken for each other (they look almost exactly alike), Koroppi is actually the quieter one. He is a steady and hardworking worker, preferring to tinker with machines in his spare time. He has the best voice in the family, and his being a great singer earned him a spot in the KeroKero Choir.

Keroppa: Keroppa is the triplets’ dad. He is the resident doctor of the Hasu No Ue Hospital, and he is able to help heal just about anyone who needs his help.

Keroma: Keroma, the triplets’ mom, is a master chef! She runs her own small restaurant, but she always has time to make rice balls, Keroppi’s favorite food (it gives him energy)!

Kerobah: She is the triplets’ grandma. She loves to shop for hats.

Kerojee: She is the triplets’ grandpa, and he loves telling funny stories.

Keroke: These brothers are the triplets’ cousins, and they love watching Keroppi and his friends play baseball.

Keroppi's Friends

Keroppi’s Friends

Keroleen: Keroleen has a kind and gentle heart, always there to offer a kind word or wipe away tears after an argument (she’s a natural peacemaker). She is Donut Pond’s resident fashionista, almost never seen wearing the same outfit twice (but she has her polka-dot dress as her favorite). She’s a budding chef in training, being Keroppi’s mom’s protege. Her specialty is pancakes (which she sometimes makes with Pikki). Her birthday is on January 21.

Kyorosuke: Kyorosuke is wildly curious, always out looking for new things. Because he has superior eyesight (he can see things over half a mile away), he is often the first to pick up new information. He’s a bit of a prankster, enjoying surprising people by suddenly leaping out of the water (since he is an expert in underwater swimming) - Keroppe is usually the one who ends up passing out because of this. He is part of the Ganta-Kyorosuke-Keroppi. His birthday is on April 22.

Ganta: He is the leader of the Keroppi - Kyorosuke - Ganta trio. He is the strongest frog in Donut Pond (at least, he likes to thinks so), but he is actually afraid of the dark. His special talent is to turn himself into a rock. His birthday is on October 10.

Noberu: Noberu is the thinker and the trustworthy one in this group of friends. He wants to follow the footsteps of his father and become a weather forecaster for the government weather bureau (he can predict hurricanes with amazing accuracy). While he is not much of an athlete, he more than makes up for it by conducting experiments and inventing stuff. When he and his friends go out for a swim, he uses his homemade camera to take pictures of them.

Keroppe: Keroppe is the new guy of Donut Pond, having just moved there from Hyoutan (gourd) pond, which is on the other side of the mountain. He zones out regularly, making him the target of a lot of practical jokes. When he is not sitting under any available leaf and vegetating for three days (which he is infamous for), he loves making toy boats and masks out of wildflowers. His birthday is on June 22.

Denden: Denden is Keroppi’s constant companion despite their energy and activity levels. He is laid-back with a penchant for daydreaming. He loves playing in the rain. He spends a lot of time trying to catch up with Keroppi. His birthday is on April 22.

Teruteru: This little girl rain charm has the amazing ability of predicting the weather accurately. She loves collecting ribbons as a hobby. Her birthday is on May 18.


@ 6:03 PM

On July 2009,,we will have election 2009 to choose our next president. In We have three candidates,, they are Mr. Susilo B. Yudhoyono and Mr.Boediono ; Mrs. Megawati and Mr. Prabowo ; and Mr. jusuf kalla and Mr. Wiranto. As we know this year neutral group are increasing. But I think, if we just to be neutral group, it means we didn’t support democracy in our country.

Come on my friends!!! Use our voice to vote our next president^^. It will be better than motionless. Trust me,, each people must be have more and less,, no body is perfect. . . if you dream a perfect president, it won’t be true. But if you dream hard effort president, it will be.^^

So,,remember!!! life is selection. There will be voter and the others will be people that we choose,,use your voice and make Indonesia better than was.^^

@ 6:01 PM
`Tobacco’s Day

Today,2nd May 2009,,whole people in the world are holding Tobacco’s day. We celebrate this day is for remind us “what the bad effect caused by Tobacco!”. As we know,, tobacco is main substance to make cigarette . Almost people in this world do smoking. Not only man but also woman is addict with this thing. You have to know, there are two kinds of smoker, active smoker and passive smoker.

Active smoker is people that smoking every day at least one box till more than five box . On the other hand,, passive smoker is people that only compute smoke from active smoker. In fact, passive smoker will get so many bad effect than active smoker, such as, passive smoker will get asthma or lungs cancer more faster than active smoker. That’s so bad. That’s why, today, try to stop to smoking,, cherish your friends (passive smoker) and help us to make earth smile again^^.

@ 4:56 PM
`My opinion about Friendship

The meaning of FRIENDSHIP is a true friend or someone who sticks by you when you are down and celebrates with you when you are up. It's someone you trust. It is someone who understands you, knows the real you and appreciates the person you are.
*There are many types of relationships and they may be hard to classify. I have encountered at least 3 different types:
- Situational friends. You see each other regularly, have fun together, and even share occasional disappointments. When you move or something changes, you don't stay in touch. Ex.: activity and location based - work, gym, clubs, etc.
- Casual friends. Meet each other once in a while, go out for lunch and dinner, and catch up on the news/gossip. You like each other, appreciate the company. But are not best friends.
- Close friends. They understand the real you, help when you're in trouble and are people you can rely on. They will not betray you, they let you in their lives and care about you deeply. Such people don't come along often and such relationships are to be cherished.
We can make friendship long last, if we are mutual understanding, true appreciation of each other's company and the desire to stick together whatever happens.
If you want prevent a friendship becoming sour,. You have to spend time together, have fun together and talk (I mean really talk about your lives, decisions, whatever is going on), the friendship probably will last^^

And last, if you ask me “can us live without friends?” so I will tell you.. If you are close with your family you could. But at some point, everybody needs a friend....^^

Thursday, May 21, 2009 @ 11:30 PM
`my first blog

First,,i don't know what should i do,,because i need to verify my email.
but,i can't.maybe that's why i can't change setting in my blog.
so sad (TT)
But. . . i will share my problem to my friends,,,wish them can help me to verify the email and help me to make my blog very interesting to readed by another people.